
Showing posts from June, 2024

Janice Fiamengo: The Monstrous Male Gaze

Feminists are as strong as men, they are equal, they can do all the male jobs (not keen on the glass cellar ones) and they are out there kicking male butt - or being hideously misandrist as we call it round here. But feminists are also soft, fragile, in need of protection. Even as much as a glance can reduce them to trembling panic. They are entitled to have any feelings they have about male intentions taken as fact. Due process? No!  Perhaps a return to the Olde England days of chaperones might be needed? Feminists truly do need protection against the merest glance from men. They never do wrong themselves, women don't, and there is not a hint of misandry, neurosis or narcissism in their attitudes. Of course, the skewed and cherry picked stats, the Patriarchy myth and all the paraphernalia of the Feminist ideology helps them immensely in gaining highly unreasonable support from men - who, oddly enough, seem to want to meet women's every demand, even when it's stark staring ...

Rick Bradford: The Origins of the Gender Empathy Gap and How to Defeat it for Fathers

English men's advocate Rick Bradford takes us through the reasons for the Gender Empathy Gap, male disposability, deep rooted in history, and possible solutions for fathers: This was my talk for Momentum 2021: The Canadian National Men's Issues Conference (11 December 2021). The "how to defeat it" bit is more poetic license than reality, I'm afraid - but it's the topic I was asked to address (bit of a hospital pass really).

Janice Fiamengo: Persecution at Kennesaw State University

In Episode 28 of the Fiamengo File , Professor Fiamengo discusses the modus operandi used by feminists to silence or destroy their critics. The example of Sage Gerard, who endured years of organized persecution at the hands of faculty at Kennesaw State University in Georgia, is used as a case study.

Diana Davison: The Dangers of Being Male on a University Campus

Women don't make false allegations, and are immediately victims on their own say so, while men are immediately perpetrators. There's nothing 'alleged' about it. Away goes due legal process while, on university campuses, narcissistic and brainwashed female students shriek 'TOXIC MASCULINITY!'  The fact that the majority backs this highly discriminatory and nonsensical shriek reveals the gynocentric nature of our society, and the toxicity and narcissism of the feminist movement in one fell swoop. Feminists and their chivalrous supporters - all shrieking from a nice, safe infrastructure overwhelmingly maintained by men in glass cellar jobs. Diana Davison, advocate for the falsely accused, gives her views in the video above.

Feminists Make Bad Relationships A Crime (for men only)

Diana Davison: Bad relationships are now becoming a crime - but women are always the victims, never the guilty party. And God Forbid these “victims” have to testify in a court of law to get “justice.” Coercive control is a dangerous new legal concept affecting more countries than Canada.