'ZERO TOLERANCE!' Abuse At The English NHS? Discrimination Against The Poor, Inarticulate, Stressed & Troubled...

Picture the scene: your loved one has Stage 4 cancer. He/she is being nursed by you and carers at home. He/she is in a great deal of pain, which oral medication is not solving. You phone your local community nurses and hear a taped message before being placed in a queue, telling you that, amongst other things, "abuse" will not be tolerated, the NHS has 'zero tolerance' for such a (beastly) thing.

So, you are stressed out by your partner's pain, have been up all night, and let fly with an expletive at what you deem the unhelpful attitude of the staff you are talking to on the phone, or simply become disgruntled by it. Believe us, unfeeling, unhelpful busybodies, who lecture, ignore what you say, and seem to have had the training of a 1950s nursing auxiliary, do exist. Misandry is also rife. 

The bigoted feminist toolbox has labelled men as 'toxic' if they are even slightly off.

Add to the picture. You naturally swear a lot, you are worn down by your partner's illness, you have other troubles, you live in an area in which drawing room decorum is not routinely practised, you have a mental health issue...

And the English NHS has 'Zero Tolerance' for you.

It's time the Long House shut its doors. It breeds inhumanity, insanity, bigotry and an atmosphere of the drawing room circa 1900, or Aunty's sitting room circa 1950, that is not right in an organisation like the NHS -  which is supposed to serve all sections of the community with care and understanding.

A few years ago, stressed patients and relatives and friends who might rant and curse a little were dealt with as a matter of course.

But feminism, with its long history of misandry and increasingly silly moans (mansplaining? Never encountered a womansplainer, particularly a feminist one, who knows all about men better than they do, apparently?) continues to dominate, distort and disrupt humanity.

One hospital in Cambridgeshire has banned smoking and vaping entirely on the site. There are signs all over the place and a row of windows by the main entrance have sticky-taped paper on them, proclaiming 'You smoke, we choke!'

Rubbish. A secluded corner in the grounds would hurt no-one. Once again, working class people are more likely to smoke than the wealthy and stays in hospitals - or visits - are sometimes liable to be highly stressful.

This is not to say that smoking should be encouraged, but banning it from hospital buildings and main outdoor areas is more than enough. An outside space for smokers should be allowed, with a covered area for rainy days.

As it is, some patients still smoke, it is an addiction, seeking areas outside where they will not be 'told off', and are made to feel like lepers.

We are lifelong non-smokers, by the way.

Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, or 'Cambridge University Hospital' as it now likes to call itself (we thought it was the people's NHS hospital), is a priggish disgrace.

One day, Cambridge itself will probably die - of snobbery and wokeism.

And at the root of a lot of the problematic attitudes today everywhere in England is feminism.

The 'humane' side of life is vanishing into the mire of feminist privilege, extreme pernickettyness, lack of empathy, narcissism, arrogance and hate.


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