Minister For Safeguarding Misandrist Attitudes & Female Narcissism: Jess Phillips!


When history looks back at this era, the actions of the likes of smirking, own-gender-adoring Jess Phillips and their hideous discrimination against men and boys will be plain to see, as will the male attitude of 'let women do whatever they want - they are the priority,' born of chivalry. The future is hopeful in that way, as society is bound to see that women are not sainted and blameless. They are human.

We were rather shocked that England now has a Minister for Safeguarding hateful, one-sided attitudes. But how appropriate that it is Jess Phillips, who laughed at the notion that the issue of male suicides should be looked at in the so-called 'UK' Parliament.

And every year takes a one-sided list of UK deaths to the 'UK' Parliament.

Her own sex/gender is lovely, and due every protection.

It's men and boys who are the problem.

Imagine if that charge was levelled against any other demographic.

'Extreme misogyny'? How do you define that? Are individual acts evidence of hating all women?

Jess and her like simply take the narrative of groups that are truly discriminated against, and apply it to their sainted gender.

And men stand by and nod approval - because women's 'safe being' has always been their top priority, and they believe all they are told. Women have an own-group bias. Not all women, but it is a proven phenomenon. Men don't.

They have a sense of responsibility and, when it comes to women, will accept the most outrageous slurs and acts against their own gender.

Which is how Jess gets away with it.

A sense of responsibility? Of course, men are willing to take the actions of a tiny minority onboard, even though much of that minority is almost certainly mentally ill, and hang their heads in shame.

Jess does no such thing with her own gender.

Ah, well. Jess is not really UK in her reach. Scotland, Northern Ireland and possibly Wales are outside of her area in our asymmetrically devolved 'UK'. 

'UK' is a lie, but it makes Jess seem much grander than just poxy old England.

We wonder what laws the other countries are coming up with?

If you have time, do have a look at the Illustrated Empathy Gap, William Collins's brilliant site, which relies on facts, not skewed stats and misandry, and doesn't smirk. Not even once. It's here.


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