Caroline Lucas And Philip Davies... How Wrong Can She Be?

Did you know that before the invention of hoovers, dish washers, etc, women were virtually slaves in their own homes? The men, meanwhile, were out having a high old time, enjoying themselves. I mean - LOL!

“It doesn’t matter whether the victim’s a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter whether the perpetrator is a man or a woman, everybody should be treated the same, surely that’s the whole point of gender equality – everybody should be treated the same irrespective of their gender.”

Philip Davies, MP, on equality.

Caroline Lucas, MP, gave her views on Philip's desire to join the "Women and Equalities Committee" at Westminster: “The day you’re a minority Philip, a white Anglo Saxon man, I don’t think so.”

Oh dear. Poor Philip Davies, vilified as a misogynist and a “white Anglo Saxon male”! Beyond the pale, eh? After all he’s not a minority so why should he be on the Women and Equalities Committee at Westminster? Well, oddly enough, I thought there were more women than men in general so surely the committee should be renamed the “men and equalities committee” and who gives a flying fig that there are less women MPs at the Palace of Westminster out here on the mean streets? After all, we, men and women both, elect who we want and plenty of biased encouragement is provided for women to get up there. And "women's issues" are constantly in the limelight. Men's never are. That's the whole point.

Westminster is far removed from reality, with the bizarre views of a handful of women and White Knight men in the general population of the UK representing the views of all. And men’s issues are shamelessly left to go hang. Higher suicide rate? Females committing acts of domestic violence? Over 90% of workplace deaths male? Unfair child custodial laws? Unfair prison sentencing laws? Don’t mention any of it - get stuffed – you misogynist!

And “Anglo Saxon”? Oh, Philip, you’re not a big bad Anglo Saxon whose forebears murdered or chased the Ancient Britons out of what is now known as that beastly abomination 'England', are you? Well no, you’re not. Recent DNA evidence points to what I’ve suspected since I was at school – that the Anglo Saxons mixed with and married the Ancient Britons in England and that their contribution to the bloodline is a minority. Yes, a minority. So, if you are one of those, Philip, not just common-of-garden English, you have even more right to be looking after equalities!

But I’m sure you are not. You’re a good old mixture like so many of us of English people of whatever race and vintage. The Anglo Saxons married the Ancient Britons, remember. The ‘Anglo Saxon male’ nonsense is just more of the piffle and bunk spouted by militant feminists and others who want to make white English men feel our forebears stole the land we live in by force and murdered or drove everybody else out. It keeps us in our place. We are not very nice. It stops us questioning things like the Barnett Formula and West Lothian Question. Of course we should be discriminated against. Caroline Lucas actually points up a fictitious demographic.

Read all about what genes constitute the older-established white English population here -

Note I say 'older-established white English population' because you do not have to be 'older established' or 'white' to be English. That's just a Westminster 'Divide And Rule' tactic. The English are the population of England, whatever else they are or however long they've been here.

And the notion that 'the Celts' are a distinct genetic group is also so much my eye and Betty Martin too -

There is an element of the aforementioned divide-and-rule in Caroline Lucas’s bizarre logic: Ugh! Anglo Saxon male! Note she didn't call Philip Davies 'British' or 'English'. No, she confined him to an ethnic group that, in reality, has no biological foundation. Men, wherever they come from, do not like to be discriminated against any more than women do (aside from the privileged White Knights of Westminster and the media and those who don’t check the facts), and most women don’t like men being discriminated against either. Philip Davies speaks for all people who want true equality in the UK.

Stuff his party politics. Party politics in the UK stink. Before the reign of New Labour got into its stride, I was a strong Labour supporter. Now, I support none of ‘em. But this is a man who has stepped outside of the box to try and do something meaningful and helpful to break through the toxic misandrist nonsense we are daily treated to.

He deserves the support of all of us out here in the real world, regardless of our genders and how we define ourselves ethnically when it comes to his stance on gender issues in Parliament.


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