Sanam Naraghi Anderlini of the United Nations - Covid-19, Domestic Violence As a One-Sided Problem, and Misandry...

According to Sanam Naraghi Aderlini, advisor to the United Nations on gender and conflict, the Coronavirus is some kind of divine revenge on men - who are the only purveyors of domestic violence - despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. Women, of course, are blameless. Does narcissism and gendered hatred come in any plainer packaging?

When a misandrist woman makes a Twitter Tweet and then whips it down again pretty darned quickly one can only hope that she has realised she may be in the wrong. When that woman is involved in a highly responsible advisory position for the United Nations, one feels no surprise - but great concern.

Men suffer more from the effects of the Coronavirus than women. And far more men die.

Men - husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, grandfathers, friends, uncles, nephews, grandsons...

Men who already constitute around 95% of workplace deaths for maintaining the comfortable environment which provides the stage for Feminists to seethe and spout misandrist bile.

Feminists, of course, have always pedalled the myth that domestic violence is something only men do to women - and we must BELIEVE WOMEN. This has gone so far as some Feminists advocating that if a woman murders her husband and then claims domestic abuse on his part, she is exonerated of guilt - without any proof being needed.

We also know that the majority of killings of offspring worldwide are carried out by mothers - but then there are always excuses, aren't there? Yes, yes - mental illness, hormone imbalances, PMS... Men are just violent and obviously in need of some kind of divine retribution - via interventions like Covid-19.

Of course.

Organisations like the United Nations harbour bigots. The main bastion of acceptable bigotry left in the world is Feminism. Just imagine, just for one moment, if Ms Anderlini had said that Covid-19 was 'revenge' on any other demographic.

Think about it.

Reminds me of the English vicar who said that AIDS was the 'wrath of God' being visited on gay men in 1985.

Thanks to Janice Fiamengo and Steve Brulé for for capturing Ms Anderlini's hate Tweet before she deleted it.


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