Nicola Sturgeon: Misandrist Leader of Little Scotland

The face of Little Scotland - Nicola Sturgeon, purveyor of lies, racism and historical revisionism against the largest and most ethnically-mixed UK country - England, and misandry for all men in Scotland.

Nicola Sturgeon 'First Minister' of the Scottish 'Parliament' has published a bill proposing that misogyny and 'stirring up hate' become a crime. Um. Sorry, what constitutes either? And what happens to misandry and freedom of speech?

Ms Sturgeon is a Feminist and a Marxist. Her view of the relationship between Scotland and England is that poor, oppressed, innocent Scotland is owed everything it gets - including and above and beyond - the Barnett Formula and its own parliament. Yep, Scotland has been so innocent and oppressed throughout history and England - by far the largest and most ethnically diverse nation - needs to pay through the nose on the back of her views, and the fake, white Celtic myth.

The English are - or were big bad Anglo Saxons, you see, and the lovely, loving Scots are Celts.

Not according to DNA evidence, of course, which reveals the majority of traditional English bloodlines are ancient Brit and they (very inclusively) married Anglo Saxons, but never mind. We musn't let facts get in the way of an agenda.

Not in Nicola Sturgeon's tiny mind.

And yet, even the English-hating BBC has had to report the facts:

According to the data, those of Celtic ancestry in Scotland and Cornwall are more similar to the English than they are to other Celtic groups. 

The study also describes distinct genetic differences across the UK, which reflect regional identities.

And it shows that the invading Anglo Saxons did not wipe out the Britons of 1,500 years ago, but mixed with them.

In the case of the North Sea oil - that's Scotland's, of course, but the rest of the UK wealth, including being allowed to share in the British Empire from the time of union with England, well, that's Scotland's right as part of the UK. And extra money per-head-of-population under the Barnett Formula. It's only 'fair'.

Nicola Sturgeon is not very intelligent. She is a poisonous personality, typical of divide and rule, Marxist types.

She doesn't like men. A couple of years back she stated that men's behaviour is a problem. Not some men, or a few men. Men. Her own gender? Lovely, of course.

Scotland has become a lag on the rest of the UK - firstly for voting to remain as part of the UK in its referendum, and then by supporting the SNP in such numbers. There are five million people in Scotland. How many in England?

Either drop the purveyor of hate, or go your own way, PLEASE. Boris Johnson, Victoria Atkins and Jess Phillips are bad enough. But Sturgeon! With her as your leader you will end up with the type of country you desire, no doubt.


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