Sexism In The London Fire Brigade? Former FEMALE Boss Dany Cotton - Slagged Off Male Firefighters - "hairy arsed"

Dany Cotton wanted to change the height, gender and hairiness of firefighters: "We have to change that perception of a six foot hairy-arsed bloke who can kick a door down.” No thanks, Dany. I think you are thin lipped and sly-eyed. And you say horrible things. I don't trust you. Not that I'm being personal, of course. I mean, I'm sure your arse isn't hairy.

Sexism in the London Fire Brigade? If so, on both sides, surely? Particularly the Feminist side, we'll warrant, but perhaps on both sides. Here was the boss in 2018 being appallingly sexist. A woman , to boot...

Let's say we were to describe what we thought about our firemen. Brave? Heroic? Strong? Kind? Self sacrificing? Yes, those words do spring to mind. But not to Dany Cotton, head of the London Fire Brigade who, in her own words, got the job simply because she was the only woman applying for it.

No, Dany has described the image of firemen as "hairy arsed".


Outrageously sexist, bigoted bilge? Very much so. And failing in any way to respect the marvellous job our firemen do. It's also a gender specific insult. To be frank, I've known several hairy arsed females, but it's not something one usually associates with the gender.

I mean, Dany, women have their own peculiar physical quirks that could be used against them, but then, of course you'd scream 'SEXIST!'

Misandrist and obviously not particularly bright, Dany Cotton did not get her job because she was the best for it. She got it because she was the only woman who applied. In her own words:

'For every single rank promotion I’ve got I have been told, every single time, that I’m going to get the job because I’m the only woman on the panel – even the job I’ve got now. Which is quite bizarre, really.'

Not really, Dany. You surely wouldn't get any where if you were judged on fair mindedness and lack of bigotry.

This woman has insulted thousands of hard working, brave and selfless men. If women were the vast majority in this job, the plaudits would be heard day and night.

And would Dany be making fun of them?

This woman is a disgrace. 


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