Susan Wojcicki of YouTube - Ms. Misandrist - Go and Get a Glass Cellar Job.

Susan Wojcicki, misandrist, luvvie CEO of YouTube is a dreadfully entitled, bigoted woman.

Zach Vorhies, YouTube whistle blower, revealed the dreadful Feminist agenda which partly powers this awful platform, and wealthy and highly entitled Susan Wojcicki is knee deep in misandry.

She's selectively banning men's human rights activists on YouTube.

Ms Wojcicki owes her comfortable lifestyle to men.

If it wasn't for the men in the glass cellar jobs, keeping the lights on, the water flowing, the buildings and roads built and maintained, the food farmed and arriving in the shops, the sewage pumped, the fires fought, the lives saved, she might actually have to do some REAL work. 

The gender workplace death gap stands at around 95% male. Do Feminists seek to close the gap? No, of course not. They simply want only the best - and special conditions for fulfilling these positions.

Susan is rotten to the pips. With a great deal of pleasure, we are adding her to our Misandrist Hall of Fame.

The best reply to the likes of Ms Misandry Wojcicki is a nice dose of Karen Straughan. You see, Feminism was never not rotten:


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