How Feminists Appropriated Gay Male Suffering and also How Feminists' 'Gender Is A Social Construct' Mantra Came Unstuck...

The Feminist movement has a long history of appropriating the suffering of others for its own narcissistic, power-crazed ends. Take gay man. Far more discriminated against than lesbians in history and well into recent times, Feminism has taken that and wrapped it up in a fake pan-movement - beginning, of course, with 'L' for lesbian. Although in terms of suffering, and even alphabetically, 'G' should be ahead of that.

Now, after all those years of chanting 'gender is a social construct', Feminists screech that women are being erased by trans-women.

Of course, many chivalrous males, as always (it is the male role to defend women), go along with it.

That's our thoughts.

Enjoy Brian Martinez and Alison Tieman of Honey Badger Radio as they trawl through a related Spiked magazine article for International Women's Day.


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