Gad Saad - An Imbecile when it comes to Male Genital Mutilation (sometimes resulting in death) and Double Standards on Female Genital Mutilation

 We don't like Gad Saad here particularly. We find him arrogant, pretentious and rather too fond of himself.

We agree with some of what he says, disagree with others, but it's his attitude of being part of some kind of elite 'bubble' which turns us off.

However, live and let live and usually we just ignore him.

But when he describes people concerned about male genital mutilation, circumcision, an unnecessary operation which actually kills some infant boys, as 'imbeciles' we break our silence. 

Gad looks down from on high. He's an academic he often tells us, he moves in the world of academia.

Sadly, that is no indication of intelligence or compassion. We're tired of people like Gad.

It's not that we're against academics speaking out on issues. Janice Fiamengo, for example, is a professor of English - but she is first and foremost a person and of the people not floating above. We like her online presence and find her research fascinating and often very enlightening.

Hang Gad's picture over your bed? Only if you desire nightmares, have a 'mind virus', and don't give a damn about the hideous torture inflicted on millions of baby boys, which can result in death.

Listen to the discussion above as Vernon Meigs brings news of Saad's latest uttering to his 'The Goalpost' series with Robert Brockway.

Genital mutilation is wrong. Male or female. If somebody opts for the procedure as an adult that is one thing. But making FGM illegal while allowing the barbaric and sometimes fatal and sometimes 'botched', practice of MGM to continue for boys, including baby boys, demonstrates gynocentrism to a terrifying degree.


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