WASPI Women = Spoilt Brats Loaded With Feminist Privilege Nonsense

The dreadful WASPI women who want money from the State for having retirement age equalised make me sick to my stomach. Once again, that sense of privilege and purveying of a false victimhood narrative which colours all things feminist are glaringly obvious.

In the UK, men had to retire five years later than women, thus paying much more into the system and yet had/have shorter life expectancy (ever looked at the workplace death gap - 95% male?) and did/do the vast majority of dirty and dangerous jobs.

Most women I know in that age bracket are not WASPIs. They knew the change was coming - it WAS widely proclaimed - and they don't expect continued privilege.

What is it with these dreadful, manipulative WASPIs? Or feminism in general.

Of course, chivalrous men will ride in to supply their every little whim. And the money will come from men too - as they paid far more into the system.

Many of us see WASPIs for exactly for what they are, as will history.


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