Julie Bindel - Feminist 'Pick Me'?

Julie Bindel: men attack women, women never attack men, men are lazy, men are evil oppressors, men are the scourge of the planet. Fancy coming over to my place, sweetie?

Julie Bindel is an English lesbian Feminist activist who has nothing good to say about men. While we appreciate her sexual preference is women, it seems she doesn't like men at all - which is not what we find in our experience of lesbians in general. Lesbians we know tend to like - or love - men as fathers, brothers, nephews, sons, friends, etc - they simply have no romantic inclination towards men.

And they do not constantly disparage men while claiming their own sex/gender lovely and relentless victims.

Julie bullies and demonizes men - and makes out her sex/gender to be perfect.

As Feminists often accuse female male rights activists of trying to court male attention and being 'picks me', one can only ask is Julie doing the same, trying to attract women?

If so, she's only going to attract those sharing her warped, Feminist mindset.

And the long, ugly circus goes on...

Of course, if we had our way, Julie would be down in the glass cellar jobs, keeping the infrastructure going like so many men, instead of abusing it to spout her narcissistic hatred.

She lives in a world of luxury and throws muck in the faces of those toiling away to provide it.


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