The Stanford Rape Case - The Fiamengo File Special Edition, Episode 41

If a young man and woman are drunk and sexual acts occur, does this mean that the man is guilty of rape? 

The hateful feminist rhetoric that all heterosexual sex is violence against women is absurd. It's all very well to be a hate-consumed woman who takes her bile out on the male sex, but not terribly practical to endorse her views when it comes to continuing the species. A lot of the women behind the feminist rage are of this ilk, seeking to demonise men and brainwash other women.

And chivalrous men, rushing to the party, desperate to pedestal women, are no help at all.

Janice Fiamengo reviews one case in which the men was 'responsible', a 'rapist', and served prison time with a permanent stain on his character, and the woman was a completely innocent 'victim'.

This is not justice.


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