Diana Davision on Teal Swan and Infinite Waters - Diving Deep into Misandry, Mystic Woo-Woo and Narcissism

'Right now you associate masculinity with being a jerk.'

So says Teal Swan, cult leader, resplendent in her comfortable surroundings, wearing a rather silly dress (I think I saw something like it in a 1980s episode of the Australian soap opera Neighbours), all provided via the infrastructure maintained by men in the glass cellar, dirty and dangerous jobs, which allow narcissists like her to indulge her own-sex-adoring bilge.

Actually, Teal, I associate you and feminism and all the 'star seed' dross you talk with being a jerk.

And worse.

And as for Infinite Waters - hey mate, dive deep into a bucket of sh*t, please. You talk enough of it.

The thing that makes the Divine Masculine is its ability to tap into the Divine Feminine? How about the Divine Feminine tapping into its Divine Masculine and inventing and maintaining a wonderful infrastructure in which men can sit around calling women 'toxic'? 

Without men, the likes of Teal and the bottom-licking chivalrous geeks like Ralph Smart wouldn't be able to be so mystical and misandrist.

They'd be busy surviving in the deserts, flood planes, jungles or wildernesses.

Here's Divine Diana Davison and her look at the ludicrous world of two of the New Age cults and the feminist mind's mystical power of the feminine.


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