Want Equality For Men? Here's The Answer...

One in four homeless people are women. Er, isn't there something odd about this? Shouldn't we also be concerned for the majority? Of course not, stuff the menz. As always. If you care about men? Well, you know what you are... If you think that men have a pretty rough time of it and that women actually have by far the better deal, you'd better be prepared to discover the answer you'll almost constantly receive if you bandy your views about. You'll get it from Feminists, of course, but also from other women who haven't bought that product but have absorbed the 'gospel', or are simply enjoying the privileges, men who have absorbed the 'gospel', and are also often blinkered by old fashioned notions of chivalry, and white knight men, who ferociously back anything Feminists say, sometimes profess to be Feminists themselves, and gleefully throw their own gender under the bus. So, if you state: 'Men are the vast majority of workplace deaths ...