
Minister For Safeguarding Misandrist Attitudes & Female Narcissism: Jess Phillips!

                                  When history looks back at this era, the actions of the likes of smirking, own-gender-adoring Jess Phillips and Yvette Cooper and their hideous discrimination against men and boys will be plain to see, as will the male attitude of 'let women do whatever they want - they are the priority,' born of chivalry. The future is hopeful in that way, as society is bound to see that women are not sainted and blameless. They are human. And they abuse power and are prone to extreme narcissism. We were rather shocked that England now has a Minister for Safeguarding hateful, one-sided attitudes. But how appropriate that it is Jess Phillips, who laughed at the notion that the issue of male suicides should be looked at in the so-called 'UK' Parliament. And every year takes a one-sided list of UK deaths to the 'UK' Parliament. Her own sex/gender is lovely, and due every protection. It's men and boys who are the problem. Imagine if that charge

'ZERO TOLERANCE!' Abuse At The English NHS? Discrimination Against The Poor, Inarticulate, Stressed & Troubled...

Picture the scene: your loved one has Stage 4 cancer. He/she is being nursed by you and carers at home. He/she is in a great deal of pain, which oral medication is not solving. You phone your local community nurses and hear a taped message before being placed in a queue, telling you that, amongst other things, "abuse" will not be tolerated, the NHS has 'zero tolerance' for such a (beastly) thing. So, you are stressed out by your partner's pain, have been up all night, and let fly with an expletive at what you deem the unhelpful attitude of the staff you are talking to on the phone, or simply become disgruntled by it. Believe us, unfeeling, unhelpful busybodies, who lecture, ignore what you say, and seem to have had the training of a 1950s nursing auxiliary, do exist. Misandry is also rife.  The bigoted feminist toolbox has labelled men as 'toxic' if they are even slightly off. Add to the picture. You naturally swear a lot, you are worn down by your partner

Diana Davision on Teal Swan and Infinite Waters - Diving Deep into Misandry, Mystic Woo-Woo and Narcissism

'Right now you associate masculinity with being a jerk.' So says Teal Swan, cult leader, resplendent in her comfortable surroundings, wearing a rather silly dress (I think I saw something like it in a 1980s episode of the Australian soap opera  Neighbours ), all provided via the infrastructure maintained by men in the glass cellar, dirty and dangerous jobs, which allow narcissists like her to indulge her own-sex-adoring bilge. Actually, Teal, I associate you and feminism and all the 'star seed' dross you talk with being a jerk. And worse. And as for Infinite Waters - hey mate, dive deep into a bucket of sh*t, please. You talk enough of it. The thing that makes the Divine Masculine is its ability to tap into the Divine Feminine? How about the Divine Feminine tapping into its Divine Masculine and inventing and maintaining a wonderful infrastructure in which men can sit around calling women 'toxic'?  Without men, the likes of Teal and the bottom-licking chivalrous

Misandry & Equity At The Woke Duke Divinity School

Do not make your negative views about trendy, misandrist, equity not equality, and therefore racist initiatives - which purport to be the opposite - at Duke Divinity School. You will be demonised and ousted by the self-regarding, 'proud', hate-riddled ideologues running the show, like Duke Dean Professor Elaine Heath. Professor Heath was apparently 'proud' to be hosting this woke initiative at Duke. Isn't pride a sin according to the Christian faith? Watch the video presented by Janice Fiamengo. Do YOU think Professor Heath has anything to be proud of in this matter?

Love, Domestic Violence, Suicide and The Evil Empire: Making An Industry Out Of Misandry

From the International Conference on Men's Issues, 2014: 'There has never been a women's movement. It was not a women's movement. It wasn't about women. It was about a handful of powerful Marxist women turning on men of the Left and brilliantly deciding that they would create a billion dollar industry.'  - Erin Pizzey, founder of the first women's refuge in the world.

The Stanford Rape Case - The Fiamengo File Special Edition, Episode 41

If a young man and woman are drunk and sexual acts occur, does this mean that the man is guilty of rape?  The hateful feminist rhetoric that all heterosexual sex is violence against women is absurd. It's all very well to be a hate-consumed woman who takes her bile out on the male sex, but not terribly practical to endorse her views when it comes to continuing the species. A lot of the women behind the feminist rage are of this ilk, seeking to demonise men and brainwash other women. And chivalrous men, rushing to the party, desperate to pedestal women, are no help at all. Janice Fiamengo reviews one case in which the men was 'responsible', a 'rapist', and served prison time with a permanent stain on his character, and the woman was a completely innocent 'victim'. This is not justice.

Janice Fiamengo: The Monstrous Male Gaze

Feminists are as strong as men, they are equal, they can do all the male jobs (not keen on the glass cellar ones) and they are out there kicking male butt - or being hideously misandrist as we call it round here. But feminists are also soft, fragile, in need of protection. Even as much as a glance can reduce them to trembling panic. They are entitled to have any feelings they have about male intentions taken as fact. Due process? No!  Perhaps a return to the Olde England days of chaperones might be needed? Feminists truly do need protection against the merest glance from men. They never do wrong themselves, women don't, and there is not a hint of misandry, neurosis or narcissism in their attitudes. Of course, the skewed and cherry picked stats, the Patriarchy myth and all the paraphernalia of the Feminist ideology helps them immensely in gaining highly unreasonable support from men - who, oddly enough, seem to want to meet women's every demand, even when it's stark staring

Rick Bradford: The Origins of the Gender Empathy Gap and How to Defeat it for Fathers

English men's advocate Rick Bradford takes us through the reasons for the Gender Empathy Gap, male disposability, deep rooted in history, and possible solutions for fathers: This was my talk for Momentum 2021: The Canadian National Men's Issues Conference (11 December 2021). The "how to defeat it" bit is more poetic license than reality, I'm afraid - but it's the topic I was asked to address (bit of a hospital pass really).

Janice Fiamengo: Persecution at Kennesaw State University

In Episode 28 of the Fiamengo File , Professor Fiamengo discusses the modus operandi used by feminists to silence or destroy their critics. The example of Sage Gerard, who endured years of organized persecution at the hands of faculty at Kennesaw State University in Georgia, is used as a case study.

Diana Davison: The Dangers of Being Male on a University Campus

Women don't make false allegations, and are immediately victims on their own say so, while men are immediately perpetrators. There's nothing 'alleged' about it. Away goes due legal process while, on university campuses, narcissistic and brainwashed female students shriek 'TOXIC MASCULINITY!'  The fact that the majority backs this highly discriminatory and nonsensical shriek reveals the gynocentric nature of our society, and the toxicity and narcissism of the feminist movement in one fell swoop. Feminists and their chivalrous supporters - all shrieking from a nice, safe infrastructure overwhelmingly maintained by men in glass cellar jobs. Diana Davison, advocate for the falsely accused, gives her views in the video above.